2021 Juried Fine Art Intake Registration
July 23, 2021 @ 8:00AM — August 1, 2021 @ 6:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Pre-registration form for intake days

Please read all information below. After you have registered, look for an email to fill out your entry information!
If you are a Plein Air Abingdon 2020 participant, you receive one free entry into the competition. Just select the "Plein Air Abingdon" registration so that we know to expect you on intake day.
The 72nd Annual Virginia Highlands Festival Juried Fine Art Show
Rules and Entry Forms:
To enter your artwork for consideration in the Juried Fine Art Exhibit:
- Fill out Art Identification Form(s) (found in your receipt email) for as many as three of your paintings. Please print clearly! Cut the form(s) apart and attach it to the upper right-hand corner(s) of your painting(s) for identification purposes. Artwork without identification will not be accepted.
- Deliver your artwork on Saturday or Sunday, July 17 or 18 2pm-5pm at The Higher Ed Center: One Partnership Circle, Abingdon, Virginia 24210 (Pre-register and pre-pay to avoid delayed processing time.)
For more information, PLEASE CONTACT:
the Virginia Highlands Festival Office 276-623-5266
We have a new category this year of "Youth Art" as part of Juried Fine Arts! "Youth" is defined as a person age 8-16 as of July 23, 2021. All other entrants will be considered to be adults.
Awards: First Place ($1,000), Second Place ($500), Third Place ($250), People's Choice ($250), Youth First Place ($100), Youth Second Place ($50), Youth Third Place ($25)
Voting for the People's Choice Award will be conducted from July 23 through August 1. The winner will be announced Sunday, August 1.
Awards Presentation Ceremony:
Due to previous COVID restrictions, we did not plan on an awards ceremony and lecture this year, but we will reveal the winners on Thursday, July 22 at 5pm via live-stream video on our Facebook page.
The Juried Fine Art Exhibit at The Higher Ed Center:
Friday, July 23, through Sunday, August 1st, 10am until 6pm daily. Rain or shine!
ONLY those paintings selected by the juror will be hung in the gallery. Exhibit selections will be made from all works submitted.
All work will be accepted at the committee's discretion.
Artwork must be priced by the artist at time of entry (see forms). If not for sale, mark "NFS" on the Art Identification Form and on the Artist Entry Form.
The Virginia Highlands Festival commission on sales through the Juried Fine Arts Exhibit is 30%.
Entries are limited to only three per artist. (Diptychs, in two separate frames, will be counted as two entries. Triptychs, in three separate frames, will be counted as three entries.)
No artwork will be received or returned by mail.
Every care will be taken by the committee and the Festival, but neither can assume liability for loss or damage, whatever the cause. Submission of a work to the exhibition shall constitute an agreement to comply with all conditions set forth in this prospectus. It is suggested that artists wishing additional protection insure their works independently.
1. All paintings must be artist's originals - made by the artist's hands - and executed solely by the artist within the most recent two years (copy written material will not be accepted.)
2. 2D artwork ONLY
3. Mixed media is acceptable, however digital media is not. 4. Entries should not include those accepted in previous years 5. The entry fee must accompany the entry form
6. All works must be entered by the artist or designated agent 7. Provided identification forms must be on back of paintings 8. Plexiglass suggested; glass accepted at artist's risk
9. All paintings must be WIRED and ready for hanging-no saw-toothed hangers will be accepted
10. Unframed wraparound canvas and cradle boards will be accepted only if: (1) it is at least 1-1.2 inches in depth, (2) the sides are completely painted, and (3) no staples are visible
11. Paint and other materials MUST be dry
12. Maximum size: 52 inches by 52 inches by 4 inches, including frame
**Artwork not meeting the above criteria will not be accepted or judged.**
- Artwork not in the Juried Show can be picked up at the Higher
Ed Center, July 23-Aug 1 from 10am-6pm.
- Exhibited artwork may not be removed from the exhibit until
Sunday, August 1 from 4-6pm
- Neither the Virginia Highlands Festival nor the Higher Ed Center are responsible for artwork not picked up by August 1, 2021
- Artwork not picked up by August 1 will become the property of the Virginia Highlands Festival.