Join our team today!
Be a part of our 76 year old story...

A gift to the Virginia Highlands Festival is a gift to your community!
76th Annual Virginia Highlands Summer Festival Patron Perks
Patron: $75 to $149
One Pass Antiques & Vintage Show
One Patron Event Ticket
Creator: $150 to $274
Two Passes Antiques & Vintage Show
Two Patron Event Tickets
Innovator: $275 to $499
Two Season Passes*
Four Patron Event Tickets
Visionary: $500 to $999
Two Season Passes*
Two Tickets to ALL Patron Events
Two Passes to Historic Homes Tour
VIP Parking at Higher Ed Center (look for yard signs for VIP parking zone)
Sustainer: $1000 & up
Two Season Passes*
Two patron event season passes (all patron events)
Two Homes Tour tickets
Two VIP parking spaces at SVHEC
Two Kitchen Tour tickets
Two tickets to Premium Event at Barter Theatre (VHF Event only)
*Season passes (Innovator/Visionary/Sustainer levels): Admittance to 10 day Antiques & Vintage Show.
Please Note: Patron Perks are often elevated as the summer programming is secured and additional opportunities present to show appreciation to our devoted team of supporters!